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ABSTRACT The effectiveness 01' electrolyzed oxidizing (Eo) water for the inactivation 01' L. monocyrogenes in and when inoculaled on lettuce leaves was evaluated. An electrolytic cell for the production 01' EO water was built and a solution 01' 5% NaCl was used. The PD water produoed had a residua] chlorine concenu-ation 01 29 parts per million (ppm) and pH 2.83. Ten strajns 01' L. monocytogenes isolated 1mm processed chicken (10° CFU/ml) were inoculated into 9 ml 01' Eo water or 9 ml 01' deionized water (control) and incubated at 15°C for 5, 10. 15 and 20 mio. The surviving population 01' each strain was determined on Columbia agar. Ah exposure time 01' S min reduced the populations by approximately 6.6 1og CPU/ml. The most resistam strains lo sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) were selected and used in a strain mixture (956 1og CPU/ml. lO'UFClml approximately) for the inoculation 01' 35 lettuce samples. by the dip inoculation method using distilled water as control. The population mean 01' L. monoq'rogenes after treatment with EO water and distilled water was reduced by 3.92 and 2.46 1og CFU/ml respectively (p: 0.00001). EO water and 6% acetic acid (vinegar) were combined lo improve the EO water effect on L. monocytogenes inoculated in lettuce; the effectiveness 01' this combination was examìned. The results showed that there was a synergistic effect 01' both antimìcmbial agents (populatioo reduction by 5.49 1og CPU/ml approximately) on the viability 01' L. mnocytogenes cells.

lattuga test

Diego Fumaneri


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